Obálka knihy Lost in time: Roman Threat/ Third Reich Rises

Lost in time: Roman Threat/ Third Reich Rises

Anton Schulz

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Vydavatel: Anton Šustek
Vydáno: 2020
Série: Lost in Time díl 2
Jazyk: anglický
Počet stran: 306

Deep in the past, Peter Bresovsky becomes lost in time. Catapulted from the Twentieth century, he finds himself entrapped in the expanding Roman Empire's plots and intrigues. He befriends Greek merchant Orneus and the Germanic warriors of Quadi. Together, they find a way to provoke open conflict with the expansionist Roman legions. While Peter is lost in time, Nazi fanatic Eduard Beck manipulates his trial to stay out of prison. He has scores to settle. He knows the Time Gate exists and will stop at nothing to find it and go back in time to join Hitler to establish a new Third Reich, destroying anyone or anything that gets in his way. Peter is sent back to the future to stop Beck, who has created an alternate reality where Germany won the war and the Third Reich rules a large part of the world. This gripping novel comes to a head when Peter's arrival starts a chain of events that culminate in a rebellion that aims to bring down the Third Reich.


Série Lost in Time

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