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Obálka knihy His Grace of Osmonde

His Grace of Osmonde

Frances Hodgson Burnett

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Vydavatel: Saga Egmont
Vydáno: 2021
Jazyk: anglický
Počet stran: 192

Lord Osmonde has everything he could possibly want. He is wealthy, gracious, kind and handsome. The only thing missing is a wife.

But one day he sets his eyes on the unruly and tomboyish daughter of a reckless lord, Clorinda.

Osmonde, like many of the other men, is smitten with the spirited woman and patiently waits for fate to bring them together. But with so much competition, marriage proposals and temptations, will Clorinda realize he’s her soulmate or fall for someone else?

"His Grace of Osmonde" is a sequel to "A Lady of Quality." While the previous book introduces readers to Clorinda, this book takes a closer look at the man who loves her and their relationship.


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