Obálka knihy The Court of St. Simon

The Court of St. Simon

Edward Phillips Oppenheim

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Vydavatel: Saga Egmont
Vydáno: 2021
Jazyk: anglický
Počet stran: 212

A curious tale in three parts. „The Court of St. Simon”, by E. Phillips Oppenheim tells the story of Monsieur Simon with his consort Josephine, who lives in the demi-monde of Paris, consorts with criminals and artists, and exacts „contributions” from various evil-doers in the „Court of St. Simon” an underground tribunal of, for, and by, the criminal class. One evening, he brings along with the jaded youth Eugene d’Argminac who falls under the spell of blood lust and becomes a criminal himself. Edward Phillips Oppenheim provides a thrill of another sort!


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