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Obálka knihy Coming Home

Coming Home

Edith Wharton

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Vydavatel: Saga Egmont
Vydáno: 2022
Jazyk: anglický
Počet stran: 66

Having lived in France during the First World War, it's no surprise that Wharton documented the impact on her spiritual homeland, both in fiction and non-fiction. 'Coming Home' is told from the perspective of an American aid worker, who helps a wounded French soldier, Jen Réchamp. A bond between the two sees them travel to Jean's home to see that everything is as it should be. While Wharton might be better known for her high-society satires, 'Coming Home' reveals an author who can capture the horrors of war and the heroic spirits of those who choose to stand against it.A gripping insight into how the First World War was perceived in France, Wharton's ´Coming Home´ will delight fans of other WWI narratives such as Sam Mendes' Oscar-nominated movie ´1917´.


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