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Obálka knihy The Lazy Tour of Two Idle Apprentices

The Lazy Tour of Two Idle Apprentices

Charles Dickens
Wilkie Collins

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Vydavatel: Saga Egmont
Vydáno: 2022
Jazyk: anglický
Počet stran: 137

“In the autumn month of September, eighteen hundred and fifty-seven… two idle apprentices, exhausted by the long, hot summer, and the long, hot work it had brought with it, ran away from their employer.”

Under the pseudonyms of Francis Goodchild and Thomas Idle, Charles Dickens and Wilkie Collins set off on a walking tour of the north-west of England, reporting back on their adventures for Dickens's magazine Household Words.

A unique insight into the friendship of two of the towering figures of Victorian literature, and featuring a pair of chilling ghost stories from the leading exponents of the genre, The Lazy Tour of Two Idle Apprentices is a charming evocation of the adventures they experienced on their trip and the gently mocking nature of their relationship.


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