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Obálka knihy Sophus Boas - A Danish Priest in the Third Reich

Sophus Boas - A Danish Priest in the Third Reich

Sophus Boas

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Vydavatel: Saga Egmont
Vydáno: 2023
Jazyk: anglický
Počet stran: 139

"It was my good fortune, that the prisons in Germany were still controlled by the Ministry of Justice and not by Heinrich Himmler's Gestapo! It was also a stroke of luck that the staff I came across in the prisons had been there from the time before Hitler came to power. They may have been members og his party, but that was only because it had become a condition of their employment after Hitler had taken over. These weren't the kinds of things I could have known before I arrived. At the sight of a swastika, a raised right hand and a chorus of 'Heil Hitler', I thought I was confronted by a fanatic Nazi. I met the fanatics now and again, but the trick was to find the non-fanatics in each of the prisons."In this autobiography, Boas tells the reader about his experience as a young priest in the Danish church in Hamburg during the Second World War. He was the only Dane allowed to meet the resistance fighters captured and imprisoned in Germany. With a suitcase full of contraband, he was invited into the prisons and gave support and encouragement to the brave Danes that had been imprisoned during their fight for a free Denmark.People who enjoyed 'Babylon Berlin' and the constant tightrope walk Gereon Rath (played by Volker Bruch) and Charlotte Ritter (played by Liv Lisa Fries) have to tread between different factions in German society, should read 'Sophus Boas - A Danish Priest in the Third Reich'.


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