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Obálka knihy The White Stag Adventure

The White Stag Adventure

Rennie McOwan

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Vydavatel: Saga Egmont
Vydáno: 2023
Série: The Clan Series díl 2
Jazyk: anglický
Počet stran: 184

Get ready to join Gavin, Clare, Michael and Mot on another thrilling adventure! After successfully taking down a gang of crazy criminals, the kids are now busy converting a ruined island castle into a den for themselves. But things are about to take a surprising twist when they come face to face with a strange and beautiful white stag...What mysteries do the majestic animal hold? And what secrets lie hidden within the castle's crumbling walls?Weaving an inspiring tale of childhood freedom and friendship, "The White Stag Adventure" is the perfect read for fans of "The Famous Five" and Disney's blockbuster hit "Brave".-


Série The Clan Series

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