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Obálka knihy Q is for Queer - 8 Erotic Short Stories

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Vydavatel: Saga Egmont
Vydáno: 2023
Série: The Erotic Alphabet díl 17
Jazyk: anglický
Počet stran: 113

"Max snaked his leg in between Ludvig's and pressed his thigh against his crotch, making Ludvig whimper. He had been so focused on not letting go of Max's body – their dancing tongues, how hot he felt under his jacket – he hadn't noticed how hard he was." – Dangerous Desire Part of the erotic alphabet series, 'Q is for Queer - 8 Erotic Short Stories' is a collection of erotica that explores sex and sexuality in the queer community. Whether you're lesbian, gay, bisexual, pansexual, queer, questioning or just curious, there's a sexy story to turn you on in this collection. The seventeenth installment in the alphabet series, 'Q is for Queer' features stories such as 'Peach Delight', 'The Power of Attraction', 'More than Friends', 'Dangerous Desires', and many more!


Série The Erotic Alphabet

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