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Obálka knihy Going into Society

Going into Society

Charles Dickens

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Vydavatel: Saga Egmont
Vydáno: 2021
Jazyk: anglický
Počet stran: 9

"Society, taken in the lump, is all dwarfs (...) And when you've no more left to give, they'll laugh at you to your face..."A man sets up a circus in a respectable neighbourhood and draws an audience with the main a dwarf, named Mr. Chops. One day, Mr. Chops wins the lottery and leaves. But life outside the circus is not as he imagined.Going into Society is a dark story about naivety, humiliation and the disappointing importance of money. It is believed that Vladimir Nabokov's short story The Potato Elf (1929) about a dwarf named Fred who works in a circus, was inspired by this classic Charles Dickens story.


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