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Obálka knihy Solange: Dr. Ledru’s Story of the Reign of Terror

Solange: Dr. Ledru’s Story of the Reign of Terror

Alexandre Dumas

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Vydavatel: Saga Egmont
Vydáno: 2021
Jazyk: anglický
Počet stran: 10

When thousands are being executed, would you risk your life to save a stranger? That’s the choice faced by Dr. Ledru in Alexandre Dumas’ "Solange".

It’s the time of The Terror, and across France, the nobility are being put to the guillotine. So when a beautiful young aristocrat begs for his help, Dr. Ledru must choose which side of the Revolution he is on.

Set during the French Revolution’s bloodiest period, "Solange" is a tightly-wound short story from the author of "The Three Musketeers". It will keep you guessing right up until the shock twist ending. A must for Dumas fans and lovers of suspense.


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