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Obálka knihy La Constantin

La Constantin

Alexandre Dumas

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Vydavatel: Saga Egmont
Vydáno: 2021
Jazyk: anglický
Počet stran: 10

In a morally corrupt society, where does the guilt for a crime really end? In "La Constantin", Alexandre Dumas introduces us to two women who met untimely ends—Angelique-Louise de Guerchi and Josephine-Charlotte Boullenois. While they were killed by a pair of poisoners, Dumas points the reader towards other forces that led to their deaths. Namely, the husbands and fathers who controlled their lives.A history of violence, "La Constantin" also doubles as a critique of the sexist morals and codes of 17th Century France. The book will definitely appeal to lovers of true crime fiction and diehard fans of Dumas.


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