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Vydavatel: Saga Egmont
Vydáno: 2021
Jazyk: anglický
Počet stran: 298
Escaping from the confines of a bad marriage a woman shows up at the dilapidated mansion Wildfell Hall ready to start her life over. A bold and powerful novel, Anne Brontë's "The Tenant of Wildfell Hall" (1848) is the story of Helen who defies conventions to find her true self. It portrays an aristocratic society steeped in patriarchal values and the marital strife Helen faces as her dissolute husband turns to drink. Fleeing with her son, she settles in the reclusive Elizabethan mansion, Wildfell Hall, to pursue an artist's career. This novel is told through letters and diary entries and explores the rich inner life of Helen. Its depiction of social norms and the desire to break free from social stagnation has made critics label it as one of the first fully-fledged feminist novels. "The Tenant of Wildfell Hall" is Anne Brontë's second and final novel. It was a great success that caused uproar upon publication and nothing short of a must-read masterpiece for fans of Victorian literature.