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Obálka knihy The Comedy of Errors

The Comedy of Errors

William Shakespeare

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Vydavatel: Saga Egmont
Vydáno: 2021
Jazyk: anglický
Počet stran: 64

A shipwreck 25 years ago separated Egeon from his wife and one of his identical twin sons. Both boys are named Antipholus and both have servants names Dromio, who also happen to be identical twins. As Egeon arrives in Ephesus from Syracuse, hoping to find his wife and son, he is unaware that the other twin has also made his way there. Egeon is arrested and condemned to death for violating the travel ban between Syracuse and Ephesus. After stating his case to the Ephesian Duke, Solinus, Egeon is granted a day to raise ransom funds to save his life.Meanwhile, Adriana, the wife of Antipholus of Ephesus, mistakes Antipholus of Syracuse for her husband and drags him home. He then falls in love with Adriana's sister Luciana. What could possibly go wrong?As with many Shakespearean plays, mistaken identities wreck confusion for everyone and lead to many comical encounters. "The Comedy of Errors" is the shortest of Shakespeare's plays. It has been adapted for opera, stage, screen and musical theatre worldwide.


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