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Obálka knihy The Green Ray

The Green Ray

Jules Verne

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Vydavatel: Saga Egmont
Vydáno: 2022
Série: Extraordinary Voyages díl 23
Jazyk: anglický
Počet stran: 127

'The Green Ray' is a story that exemplifies the age old saying 'It's about the journey, not the destination'. The Green Rays, are rare phenomena observable only in certain places of the globe as the sun falls below the horizon. They are said to have profoundly elevating effects on the mind and soul and Helena Campbell is determined to see them. Postponing the wedding forced upon her, she leaves with her uncles and two would-be suitors on a journey to distant shores that will test her absolutely. It is only in the moments where we are pushed to breaking, emotionally or physically, that we find ourselves, who we are and what we love. It is a brilliant novel, wracked with beauty and self-discovery. Verne's knack for the extraordinary creates a journey that is inspiring and stunning, perfect for anyone with an adventurous spirit or who loved 'Around the World in Eight Days'.


Série Extraordinary Voyages

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