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Obálka knihy The Devoted Friend

The Devoted Friend

Oscar Wilde

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Vydavatel: Saga Egmont
Vydáno: 2022
Jazyk: anglický
Počet stran: 8

Exploring the idea that it's good to be able to discern between healthy and toxic relationships, 'The Devoted Friend' is perhaps more relevant now than it has ever been. While this might read as a sweet fairy-tale, Wilde imbues it with important lessons in morality and friendship. It begins with a linnet meeting a vain and ignorant water-rat. In order to bring the water-rat to some realisation, the linnet tells him the story of a gardener, Hans, and how his good nature is exploited by his supposed friend, Big Hugh. Delightfully written and full of charm, this book is perfect for younger readers and those who cannot resist the pull of nostalgia.


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