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Obálka knihy Lady Windermere's Fan

Lady Windermere's Fan

Oscar Wilde

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Vydavatel: Saga Egmont
Vydáno: 2022
Jazyk: anglický
Počet stran: 42

A searing satire on the British class system, social hypocrisy, and keeping up appearances, 'Lady Windemere's Fan' is one of Wilde's best-loved plays. Such is its popularity that it has been adapted for the silver screen a number of times, most recently in 2018, with Samantha Spiro and 'Absolutely Fabulous' star, Jennifer Saunders.The play focuses on 21 year-old Lady Windemere, who has become convinced that her husband is embarking on an affair with the mysterious Mrs Erlynne. However, Mrs Erlynne hides a scandalous secret that sets some unexpected wheels in motion. Witty, satirical, and packed with acute social observations, 'Lady Windemere's Fan' continues to grace stages around the world. A superb read for those who want to see Wilde at the height of his powers.


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