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Pozadí stránky
Obálka knihy Skin


Liam Brown

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Vydavatel: Saga Egmont
Vydáno: 2024
Jazyk: anglický
Počet stran: 288

A strange virus is sweeping the globe.
Humans have become allergic to one another.
Simply standing next to somebody could be a death sentence.
A kiss could be fatal.
Angela is a woman trying to get by in this bewildering new world. Though she still lives with her husband and children, they lead separate lives. Confined to their rooms, they communicate via their computers and phones. In some ways, very little has changed.
That is, until she spots a mysterious stranger walking through town without even a face mask for protection. A man, it seems, immune to this disease. A man unlike anyone else she knows. A man it might just be safe to touch...


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