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Obálka knihy The Ravishing Doctor

The Ravishing Doctor

Heinz G. Konsalik

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Vydavatel: Saga Egmont
Vydáno: 2024
Jazyk: anglický
Počet stran: 218

Tensions rise in the quaint town of Buschhausen when two buses carrying 120 Sicilians roll into town, intending to bolster the local colliery team.

As locals and newcomers grapple with mistrust and unfolding dramas, the stunning company doctor, Dr. Waltraud Born, and the local priest find themselves at the heart of it all.

Meanwhile, the colliery becomes the stage for a growing number of alarming accidents. Yet, mine director Dr. Sassen, embroiled in his own world of private troubles, turns a blind eye to the mounting warning signs...

Perfect for fans of "Greys Anatomy".

Heinz G. Konsalik (1921-1999), a prolific German novelist known for his humanistic depictions of war, became famous for "The Doctor of Stalingrad." With 155 novels and 83 million copies sold, he remains a celebrated figure of post-war German literature.


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