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Obálka knihy Around the Moon

Around the Moon

Jules Verne

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Vydavatel: Saga Egmont
Vydáno: 2020
Série: Around the Moon díl 7
Jazyk: anglický
Počet stran: 94

"From the Earth to the Moon" continues in its sequel "Around the Moon" published five years after the first part. The three adventurers start their trip to the Moon hoping to survive and complete their mission. Many things go however wrong. It turns out that the projectile has changed course during their journey. They try to navigate it and fix the course but it gets even worse as the projectile begins a fall to the Earth. Everything seems doomed to failure. The lives of the three men are at stake. Is there even any possibility to survive? Will they live to tell what they have seen and experienced or the first ever mission to leave Earth will stay shrouded in mystery?


Série Around the Moon

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